Ocean wave glow (OCS) a blog site which gives knowledge and fact to you about your living style, personality, body language, health, looks, body care(skin care, hair care or your interior health).
Our advices which makes you to glow your self and clear every objection feel free to trust on advices because experienced things never let you down in front of crowd.
We believe in Ayurveda which we got from our ancestor which are not even healthy even they are free from every kind of side effect just one who is doing, must have proper knowledge about usage of remedy or product.
Be physical fit with us stop wasting your money! on any consultant all you need to know the right way for solving your insecurities. Level up your fashion style.
About ME
Hi, I am Mohit, whose leisure activity is writing as well as sharing life experience and informational posts to the audience so that they get to know about so big improvements which they can make by their small efforts, I am graduated with BBA degree. I am ambivert kind of person who prefers very small circle of friends.
Our aim is to get you free from costly or risky methods of transformation everything can goes naturally when we can get our best glow naturally or easily then why we are taking risks or forcing body or mind to change forcely?
Always remain in contact with us so that you can’t miss our posts.